FR-Bonds for Ohio Drivers has been helping drivers drive legal for less since 2001. has numerous discounts available including multi-policy, multi-car, prior insurance, and good drivers discounts. Our agents will help you find the policy that best suits your needs and your wallet.

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Financial Responsibility Bond (FR-BOND)

FR Bonds Act Like Limited Automobile Insurance

If you are not able to buy auto insurance for any reason, you can establish financial responsibility through the purchase of a cash bond. This “FR bond” must be posted with the State Treasurer of Ohio. FR bonds are similar to automobile insurance because they provide both bodily injury and

property damage liability coverage for injuries and damages you cause. In other words, they cover you if you are at fault for injuries caused to another driver, passengers in another car, pedestrians, and damage to property other than your vehicle. No one else who operates your vehicle is covered by your FR bond — not even members of your household. FR bonds do not pay for injuries to you. They may pay for a passenger’s injuries if you are liable for an accident, but will not otherwise pay for passenger injuries. Such bonds do not cover damages to your vehicle. They provide restricted coverage only for bodily injury and property damage liability which you might cause while driving a vehicle.

FR Bond Facts

Below are general provisions of FR bonds. Your agent can give you specific details about the bond you want to buy.

• While a $30,000 bond is the minimum amount required, the bond is usually written for at least $32,500

• The bond must be issued by an authorized insurance company

•Your cost will depend on certain risk factors such as your age and your driving record — the same factors that are used to determine auto insurance rates.

• An FR bond does not provide coverage for any particular vehicle — it covers you and no one else.

• FR bonds are regulated by the Ohio Department of Insurance No FR? You’d Better Start Walking! If you are caught driving without proof of financial responsibility, you’ll soon be walking. The penalties, shown below, are severe.

• Suspension of your driving license for at least 90 days if it’s your first time

• Up to one year suspension for repeat offenders

• Impoundment of your license plates and certificate of registration

• Court costs

• No driving priviledges during suspension

• Getting Your License & Tags Back

If your license is suspended because you fail to prove FR, Ohio law specifies the steps you must take to have your driving privileges restored.

• Pay a reinstatement fee of $75. This fee could be as much as $500 for repeat offenders

• Prove you are now financially responsible through insurance or a bond

• File a form (SR-22) with the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles

• Pay an impound fee to get your vehicle back
