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State of New Mexico Auto Insurance Requirements
The New Mexico MVD contracts with PASCO Inc. using their Validati® application to match auto insurance information from New Mexico insurance companies with vehicles registered with the MVD. PASCO developed a New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB) atwww.driveinsured.com. The IIDB website has information for New Mexico drivers about insurance notification letters and insurance verification.
In New Mexico, drivers are expected to operate their motor vehicles with a minimum of liability auto insurance. Minimum auto liability insurance amounts required in New Mexico are:
– $25,000 for bodily injury to or death of one person,
– $50,000 for bodily injury to or death of two or more persons, and
– $10,000 for property damage in any one accident.
Once you have purchased auto insurance for at least the minimum amounts above, ask your insurance company to provide your insurance information to the New Mexico IIDB at:www.
If you receive a Notice of Noncompliance from the MVD, but you have the minimum required liability insurance, you should contact your insurance company immediately. Ask them to provide your insurance information to the IIDB.
If your insurance company does not provide your insurance information to the IIDB within 30 days of the date on the Notice of Noncompliance you received, your vehicle(s) registration will be suspended by the MVD.
You can call the IIDB yourself and provide the necessary information. Drivers who provide fraudulent proof of insurance documents may be prosecuted according to the State of New Mexico’s statutes.
Registration of your vehicle(s) may be denied or delayed if the New Mexico MVD Registration file does not show insurance coverage for the vehicle(s). Drivers that do not have minimum liability auto insurance may have their vehicle registration suspended.
Forms of Proof of Insurance to take to MVD when registering your vehicle:
– A current auto insurance card.
– A copy of your current auto insurance policy.
– A letter from your auto insurance company (on company letterhead) that verifies your auto insurance coverage.
You must provide any one of the above forms of proof to the MVD before you can register your vehicle(s).
Affidavit of Non-use of Vehicle or Out-of-State Insurance (MVD-11268) | Download PDF
Financial Responsibility Request for Hearing (MVD-10792) | Download PDF
Mandatory Auto Insurance FAQs
What is “Mandatory Insurance?”
Why isn’t my insurance on file? I provided it at the time I registered my vehicle.
What happens if I don’t get insurance?
Why did I receive a notice that my registration was suspended?
How can I reinstate my vehicle registration?
When I provide proof of insurance, when will my registration be reinstated?
I don’t have automobile insurance. What do I need to do?
My vehicle is covered under a fleet or commercial policy. What do I need to do?
The VIN on my insurance policy does not match the VIN on my vehicle. What do I need to do?
The VIN on the registration does not match the VIN on my vehicle. What do I need to do?
Will my out-of-state insurance be acceptable in New Mexico?
I no longer own the vehicle. Do I need to contact anyone to let them know?
What is “Mandatory Insurance?”
Drivers are required to operate motor vehicles with a minimum of liability insurance. Minimum liability amounts required in New Mexico are:
– $25,000 for bodily injury or death to one person in any accident, subject to this limit for one person
– $50,000 for bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident
– $10,000 for injury to or destruction of property of others in any one accident
Or, if evidence is in the form of a surety bond or a cash deposit, the total amount shall be $60,000 on deposit with the New Mexico State Treasurer.
Why isn’t my insurance on file? I provided it at the time I registered my vehicle.
With the development and implementation of the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB), the State no longer relies upon insurance information it may have collected at the time of vehicle registration. Your insurance company must report your insurance information electronically for your vehicle to be identified as insured on the IIDB. Once reported, your vehicle’s registration should be updated the following business day.
What happens if I don’t get insurance?
Vehicles that do not have the minimum liability insurance are subject to having that vehicle registration suspended. Registration of your vehicle(s) may be denied or delayed until insurance is obtained. The New Mexico Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act states that an owner of an uninsured vehicle must return the vehicle registration and the license plate to the MVD within ten days of receiving the Notice of Suspension of Registration letter. If the owner does not do so, the owner will be subject to the penalties prescribed by law, including criminal penalties.
Why did I receive a notice that my registration was suspended?
The New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB) identified your vehicle as not having insurance through a New Mexico licensed insurance company. You were sent a Verification of Mandatory Automobile Insurance letter 30 days before you received the Notice of Suspension of Registration, advising you of this fact and requesting you to work with your insurance agent or company to provide the IIDB with the needed proof of insurance.
You may not show as insured on the IIDB for a number of reasons, such as: the vehicle does not have insurance coverage; the vehicle is insured by an insurance company not licensed to do business in the State of New Mexico; the insurance company has not properly reported insurance coverage for the vehicle; or the vehicle identification number (VIN) may be incorrect on the MVD’s records.
I have automobile insurance and received a Verification of Mandatory Automobile Insurance letter by mistake. What do I need to do?
If you currently have insurance on the vehicle(s) listed on the Verification of Mandatory Automobile Insurance letter, you should:
– Contact your insurance company to make sure that the information on your insurance policy matches the information listed on your vehicle(s) registration.
– Make sure that your vehicle is covered by a New Mexico policy.
– If your vehicle is covered by a fleet or commercial policy that is not vehicle specific, then you will need to contact your insurance company. Give them the name that is listed on the letter you received from the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB) and the vehicle information. Ask them to contact the IIDB so the vehicle will be listed as insured under a commercial policy.
How can I reinstate my vehicle registration?
Obtain adequate insurance and have your insurance agent update your insurance information on the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB) web site www.driveinsured.com or contact the IIDB Call Center toll free (866) 891-0665 for more information. After proof of insurance has been received by the IIDB, your vehicle registration should be eligible for reinstatement the following business day. The reinstatement fee for a suspended registration is $30.00.
When I provide proof of insurance, when will my registration be reinstated?
After proof of insurance has been received electronically by the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database, your vehicle registration should be eligible for reinstatement the following business day. Please wait a minimum of 24 hours from when your insurance agent updates the database, before going to a MVD Field Office to reinstate your vehicle registration. The reinstatement fee for a suspended registration is $30.00.
I don’t have automobile insurance. What do I need to do?
You must obtain automobile liability insurance from an insurance company that is licensed to do business in the State of New Mexico. Once you obtain insurance, your insurance company will electronically notify the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database of your coverage.
My vehicle is covered under a fleet or commercial policy. What do I need to do?
If your vehicle is covered by a fleet or commercial policy that is not vehicle specific, then you will need to contact the fleet policy insurance company. Give them the name that is listed on the Verification of Mandatory Automobile Insurance letter you received from the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB) and the vehicle information. Ask them to contact the IIDB so the vehicle will be listed as insured under a commercial policy.
The VIN on my insurance policy does not match the VIN on my vehicle. What do I need to do?
If the VIN on the insurance policy does not match the VIN on the vehicle, you will need to contact your insurance company and give them the correct VIN to update their records. The insurance company then may provide temporary proof of insurance through the web site and should report the correct policy information electronically to the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database.
The VIN on the registration does not match the VIN on my vehicle. What do I need to do?
If the VIN on your vehicle is different from what is on your registration, then you will need to have the title and registration corrected.
If you live in New Mexico:
– Take the vehicle, title and registration to a local MVD Field Office for a VIN inspection.
– Once you receive your VIN inspection, you will need to contact the MVD at (505) 383-2315.
If you live outside New Mexico:
– Get a VIN inspection by a State Police Officer in the state in which you are residing.
– Then, mail the VIN inspection, a copy of your registration and the original title, and a written request to change the VIN. Include your phone number so you can be contacted.
Mail to: MVD Financial Responsibility Section; 505 Marquette NW, Suite 1500; Albuquerque, NM 87102.
My vehicle is registered in New Mexico, but I am living out-of-state because I’m in the military, working out-of-state, or away attending school. Do I still need to have insurance coverage for my vehicle?
Yes. In order to be verified as insured you must submit to the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB) a signed, completed Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State insurance. You will be asked to provide proof of insurance and proof of your out-of state residency.
Your vehicle will then be identified on the database as insured for the term of your policy. You will need to submit an Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State insurance each time you renew that policy with an out-of-state insurance provider as long as your vehicle registration remains in New Mexico. Please click on the link below for an electronic version of the Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State Insurance. You may print this form, complete it, sign it and mail it to the IIDB with the required documents. You may also obtain this form at any New Mexico MVD office.
Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State Insurance (MVD-11268) | Download PDF
If you drive the vehicle and it is not insured, you are subject to license plate confiscation and a citation for no proof of insurance. Make sure that when you drive the vehicle in New Mexico, you have proof of automobile liability insurance in your possession.
Mail to: NM IIDB; P.O. Box 9700; Albuquerque, NM 87119-9700 or call (866) 891-0665 with any questions.
Will my out-of-state insurance be acceptable in New Mexico?
Yes. Out-of-state insurance is acceptable in New Mexico, but it must meet New Mexico’s minimum liability requirements:
– $25,000 for bodily injury or death to one person in any accident, subject to this limit for one person
– $50,000 for bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident
– $10,000 for injury to or destruction of property of others in any one accident
You must submit to the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB) a signed, completed Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State insurance.You will be asked to provide proof of insurance and proof of your out-of-state residency.
Your vehicle will then be identified on the database as insured for the term of your policy. You will need to submit an Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State insurance each time you renew that policy with an out-of-state insurance provider as long as your vehicle registration remains in New Mexico. Please click on the link below for an electronic version of the Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State Insurance. You may print this form, complete it, sign it and mail it to the IIDB with the required documents. You may also obtain this form at any New Mexico MVD office.
Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State Insurance | Download PDF
If you drive the vehicle and it is not insured, you are subject to license plate confiscation and a citation for no proof of insurance. Make sure that when you drive the vehicle in New Mexico, you have proof of automobile liability insurance in your possession.
Mail to: NM IIDB; P.O. Box 9700; Albuquerque, NM 87119-9700 or call (866) 891-0665 with any questions.
My vehicle is being restored or in storage, and I cancelled my insurance. What do I need to do so my registration is not suspended?
If you cancel your insurance for the period of time your vehicle is not being driven, you must submit to the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database (IIDB) a signed, completed Affidavit of Non-Use/Out-of-State Insurance of this vehicle. Your registration will be reflected as unknown for insurance status purposes, but you will incur no penalty as long as you do not drive the vehicle on New Mexico roads. You must complete the Affidavit at least annually.
Prior to driving this vehicle on New Mexico’s roads you must obtain adequate insurance and have your insurance agent update your insurance information on the program web site,www.driveinsured.com, or contact the IIDB Call Center at the toll free number (866) 891-0665 for more information. Once your insurance information has been updated, your vehicle should be in the IIDB and identified as insured. If you take no action on the Suspension of Registration letter you receive from the IIDB and your vehicle registration is suspended, you must purchase insurance, have it reported to the IIDB, and you must reinstate the registration for your vehicle. The reinstatement fee for a suspended registration is $30.00.
I no longer own the vehicle. Do I need to contact anyone to let them know?
Yes. If you no longer own the vehicle, please indicate this on the Verification of Mandatory Automobile Insurance letter, sign and date the letter, and mail it to the MVD Financial Responsibility Section at 505 Marquette NW Suite 1500 Albuquerque, NM 87102. If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact the New Mexico Insurance Identification Database at (866) 891-0665.
If you wish to request a mandatory auto insurance hearing to protest your registration suspension, you may download an application here or visit a MVD Field Office to request the application form. You must submit this application by mail or in person to the MVD within twenty (20) days of the date of the mailing of the Notice of Noncompliance.
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