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Tennessee SR-22
A SR-22 is not an insurance policy; it’s simply a financial responsibility form proving that you have insurance coverage. The SR-22 is filed with your state by your insurance company and certifies that you carry the minimum liability coverage on your car insurance policy.
SR-22 for drivers that do not own a vehicle can be filed with a “non-owners” policy in Tennessee.
If you do not own a motor vehicle, you must purchase “non-owners” liability coverage. This policy provides liability to a vehicle you drive that you do not own. “Non-owners” policies typically are discounted. However, if you purchase a vehicle you must endorse your non-owners policy to an auto policy to remain covered and legal to drive.
The SR-22 must be submitted from an insurance company licensed in the state for which the SR-22 is required, and has the authority or “power of attorney” to issue an SR-22. Our office maintains a listing of authorized agents and companies.
An SR-22 requirement can be issued by the Secretary of State, or the Tennessee BMV/DMV based on a judgement in a county court. Depending on the state you live in SR-22’s are usually required for 12-36 months. Some states require these to be consecutive months, meaning that if you are late on a payment you have to start the SR-22 all over. SR22, also known as high risk auto insurance, could be required of drivers for several different reasons, including:
Driving uninsured
Driving under the influence (DUI)
Driving with a suspended or revoked license
Having an at-fault accident while driving uninsured
Multiple moving violations or tickets within 12 months
Being behind on Traffic Citation Payments
Being behind on Child Support Payments
Other major moving violations, such as reckless driving
Unsatisfied judgment suspensions
TN HB606 (AKA James Lee Atwood Jr. Law)
What is the James Lee Atwood Jr. Law?
The James Lee Atwood Jr. Law was passed during the 2015 legislative session. It requires the Tennessee Department of Revenue to develop and implement an online electronic motor vehicle insurance verification program. The program must be installed and fully operational by January 1, 2017. The public chapter authorizes a system by which uninsured motorists will be fined or penalized for driving uninsured.
Tennessee has increased enforcement of car insurance for increasing the penalties for driving uninsured. Here are the bullet points from TN HB 606 (Tennessee house bill 606) AKA the James Lee Atwood Jr Law. This law triples the fine for driving uninsured, allows for uninsured vehicles to be towed or impounded, develops a system to verify insurance policies electronically in real time, and also makes it a Class A Misdemeanor with punishments up to 11 months and 29 days in jail and/or up to $2,500 in fines for knowingly providing false proof of insurance.
Click here to read the complete law: TNHB606